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Greifzug for passenger transportation, TU6P with Fangvorrichtung, bis 6 kN

From €1,953.98 *

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    Delivery time expected 14 days.


    Pulling force

    • 100538
    • GRZ24609
    • 4050075526857
    • Greifzug
    • 24609
    • Stück
    • 1
    The hoists of the TU P series are portable devices, through which a rope runs. What makes them... more
    The hoists of the TU P series are portable devices, through which a rope runs. What makes them special is the clamping system on the rope, which automatically grips and holds it. The hoists are approved according to the norm EN 1808 (08/99) and the change in the machine guidelines regarding passenger transportation. The same goes for the Blocstop
    fall arrest device, which should be installed on a seperate rope. During normal operation, this rope is not used, but if the main rope breaks, the Blocstop and safety rope hold the work platform or basket and keep them from falling.

    Weight: 13.400 g
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    Available downloads:
    Zulassung zum Personentransport optional mit Fangvorrichtung als Sicherheitsvorrichtung... more
    • Zulassung zum Personentransport
    • optional mit Fangvorrichtung als Sicherheitsvorrichtung
    • Schnelle Installation
    • Keine Begrenzung der Seillänge
    • Handlich, leicht, robust, leistungsfähig
    • Erhöhung der Tragkraft durch Einscheren
    • Überlastschutz
    • Millimetergenaue Lastplatzierung
    • Zulassung durch Zertifizierungsstelle
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    • 1 Stück Hebelrohr
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